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garden discipline

Mistress Eve has to discipline her disobedient slave Beth. The cheeky British blonde has been getting way out of line lately. The chastisement takes place in the garden, as the Czech dominatrix tugs on the rope that binds Beth’s wrists and smacks her nipples with a riding crop. Yes, nipple torment is one of the chief lessons of the day for this “DOG,” as Beth’s color proclaims in jeweled letters. Shortly, however, Mistress Eve moves that crop down to smack her slave’s shaved pussy, and then her ass too. But that butt is so alluring that Eve decides to give it some spanking with her bare hand as well. We see the wobble of each bun as the domme’s palm makes fierce contact. Finally, after receiving some cunnilingus, Mistress Eve decides to tease and tantalize her slave with a Magic Wand vibrator. The slave cums even though she feels humiliated to do so after all her punishment. Then, as this Full HD BDSM lesbian bondage scene comes to a close, she is left alone and bound in the garden, barefoot and n

  • 00:13:05
  • Aug 04, 2014
  • 159


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