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boot encounter

Whitney Conroy (in the yellow top) and Lucy Heart are the very visual definition of strong firm young females as they return from a shopping trip. Their toned legs look damn alluring in their shorts and mid-calf boots! Soon enough Whitney is rubbing Lucy’s clam and cans with the soles of her boots, but then the ladies decide to take off the boots so they can indulge their desires for bare foot worship and toe sucking. Watch the Czech Whitney and Russian Lucy as they grind their girlie gashes together and stretch across the couch to enjoy each other’s tootsies! Lucy savors Whitney’s 6.5 soles against her cheek, and Whitney sucks on Lucy’s size 7.5 coral-polished piggies. See how these gals are really stimulated by their footwear, as they go back to rubbing the boots against their pies in this Full HD fetish XXX video!

  • 00:25:47
  • Aug 11, 2014
  • 199


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