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absolutely delectable

Satin Bloom is quite a gorgeous sight today as she poses outdoors on some stone steps. Tan and shapely in her low-cut lacy frock, her long auburn hair tumbling to her shoulders, she looks absolutely delectable. Soon she’s pulling aside her clothes, showing us those 34C breasts, and spreading her thighs to tempt us with her white lacy crotch. She rubs her nips even as we start rubbing some things of our own...then, taking down her dress, she stands before us only in her thong and strappy heels, then tugs aside the underwear and spreads and stuffs her core with her graceful fingers. With her thong stretched tight between her ankles, she lifts up her gams and opens herself wide before finally turning around to leave us with exciting images of her lush bottom in the doggie mode!

  • 00:16:10
  • Jul 25, 2014
  • 258


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