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ache for her splash

Some mistresses train their slaves very slowly to the wonders of their pee. Mistress Eve gives a good example of what we mean in today’s solo roleplay. Just imagine yourself naked, and kneeling painfully on the gravelly ground in front of her, as this Czech goddess stands before you and knows that you ache for the splash of her cruel liquid on the back of your head...on your face. But no, you haven’t pleased her enough yet, so she’s going to deny you that pleasure of kneeling between her thighs and feeling the spray upon you. Instead, she commands you to stare, ache, and stroke as she squats slightly to let the inundations of her bladder blast forth toward the earth. She watches you the whole time, even as she squats lower and the flow gets heavier, and she knows that you will obey her every command from now on without question--so that someday, someday soon, you will feel the pulsing privilege of her ruthless golden shower into your eagerly slavish lips! Feel the fantasy in this masterpiece of pissing in a Full HD video and pics!

  • 00:02:16
  • Sep 01, 2014
  • 196


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