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watch the saliva slide

Delivery guys have some of the best job perks around! Sabby has to drop off a package at Charlyse Bella’s place and the Portuguese hottie is so turned on by his wild helmet that she can’t resist getting to know the cock inside his jeans. From biting the front of his pants, Charlyse progresses to unearthing his big dick and giving it the cock sucking it deserves, demonstrating impressive deepthroat abilities as she kneels before him to lower her face a few inches down toward his sac. Watch her saliva slide along his shaft thanks to some great angles captured by our DDF cameras! Wisely Sabby keeps his helmet on, so Charlyse’s fetish for such things will continue to be satisfied, while she slides herself out of her clothes to get herself comfortable in these sexy blowjob pics. There’s nothing like seeing a pretty girl’s cheek tugged by the probing of a prick, and then watching the load arrive on her tongue and then drip down her chin for a fetching facial cumshot conclusion!

  • 00:21:37
  • Jul 15, 2014
  • 238


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