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pure woman

Yes our favorite Hairy Twatter babe is back again showing us how Pure of a woman she is. The scene opens up with Johane playing Pinball, and it seems she s not up to par with her game. Following a set of rules that says the loser must striptease and masturbate, Johane moves on to give us the show we ve been waiting for! Enjoy as the Russian blue eyed starlet starts peeling her jeans off and exposes her Hairy Twat. Nice little titties and a body built for pounding she sports and gets straight to the masturbation with a glass dildo! Before we know it Johane is plugging her pie and asshole with a nice smile and giving herself intense pleasure. She seems to favor her asshole, and will always remember the game of American Pinball!

  • 00:15:51
  • Jul 09, 2014
  • 227


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