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her oral mastery

In today’s POV, the volcanic Italian star Valentina Nappi shows up for a photo shoot. The photographer (Choky Ice, standing in for all our cocks) just wants to do some fashion pics, but Valentina, whose fame as a hardcore XXX goddess is known far and wide, doesn’t seem to comprehend what today’s plan is, and her body gets revealed, far beyond any fashion photo requirements. Well, needless to say, with a curvy stunner like Valentina just in panties before us, it’s clear that “fashion” is not on the menu after all, but “oral passion” definitely is, as this irrepressible brunette takes charge of the big dick and gives it the cock sucking and balls licking SHE hungrily wants to deliver! Whether she’s stroking with her agile hand, or sliding down her lips until she engulfs the meat with deepthroat prowess leading to a gush of goo on her tongue, Valentina proves truly that some of her own personal best is given when she’s unclothed and sharing her gifts of blowjob mastery!

  • 00:15:53
  • Jul 08, 2014
  • 343


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