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the blonde godessess

Yes the combination of these two will leave you salivating. Lucy Heart from Russia and Sienna Day from the Uk relaxing on a couch doing what Blondes do best. Yes you guessed it, party! Thats s the name of the game as these two chicks become overwhelmed with work and decide to play with one another instead of finishing their work. Within moments Sienna finds that Lucy does nt ever wear Panties to work, and his her fingers all over that tight shaved Pie of hers. Her supple, sexy, and natural breasts come out and Sienna gets straight to the nipple play before diving down south for a taste of her sexy slit. The heat turns up as the girls get into finger banging and 69 action, High heels and lingerie still on! The girls bring each other to ferocious office style orgasms and leave us all spent, with dicks in hand!

  • 00:26:08
  • Apr 02, 2014
  • 223


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