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face the happy fact

In today’s POV video, you and your busty girlfriend Sienna Day are due to meet some friends, and you’d really like her to hurry. You’re both getting dressed and Sienna is doing her makeup, not that she needs much with her saucy sassy natural beauty! But Sienna lingers, and it becomes clear that she wants to spend time with your johnson rather than leaving the house! So maybe you oughta get your priorities straight, pallie. Yeah, just a few minutes experiencing her vivacious oral nature and truly enthusiastic blowjob as she takes in your big dick and gives it some fine balls licking should alert you to the happy fact that you truly have a gem here at home!! So just relax, amigo, and let the attentions of her tongue wash over your inches as this exciting blonde brings her brio to your meat and soon pulls out a load you’ll keep as a stimulating memory in years to come! Or perhaps that’s spelled c-u-m...?

  • 00:14:37
  • Jul 01, 2014
  • 232


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