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impressive appetite

Jay Dee does her best to impress erotica producer Nick Lang not only with her beauty and personality, but with her impressive sexual appetite. As he films her, Jay scarfs his big dick while undoing her blouse so that that media mogul has access to her gorgeous titties. From licking her nips, he moves to sucking her twat and then her ass, before stuffing his tool into her box. He’s just shifted his shaft to her mouth again when his colleague Mike Angelo enters, eager to test out this starlet himself. Soon the threesome gathers steam as Jay finds her hands and face full with the rampant rods of these two randy fellas, fucking one while sucking the other, and then (after showing off a startling anal gape) taking them double penetration style in both holes at once. Naturally, her immediate rewards are two big loads, one in her mouth and another on her asshole, in this hardcore XXX video. Plus we’d bet she aces the audition and gets the movie role, too!

  • 00:26:15
  • Nov 25, 2013
  • 495


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