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sisi rose on the bus

Sisi Rose was walking from the yacht club when the famous white van stopped next to her. Since she was from New York she didn’t know about white vans in Miami. Casually she talked to the guys filming her. She ate some half eaten sweets for $100, she cut the strings of her underwear and gave it to them for $500. And then came the $1000 offer to show her breasts. But inside the van it would be more private. So the drove around and the Sisi showed her amazing breasts. And then her butt and she ended up butt naked. It looked like Jay Bangher had something big in his pants so they took it out and she sucked it. Then obviously they fucked while the bus was bumping all over the streets of Miami. They fucked, she moaned and they fucked more until Jay came into her face.

  • 01:01:21
  • Jul 13, 2023
  • 1447


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