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the gooey goods

Alice Axx is one of our promising new talents around here on the DDF Network, and shes shown a wide range of abilities. Shes done some kinky stuff on our House of Taboo site, for example, where she was used as a helplessly bound slave in two scenes.
In a recent casting video, she explained in her sexy French accent how she likes everything sexually, and that certainly goes for oral at which she also shows real expertise! I like to suck! she says with a great smile and bright eyes.
In todays POV video, shes taking on Thomas Stone. Here is a girl whose mouth knows its way around a big dick, and will deliver the kind of cock sucking that will make Thomas (and US!) very happy. With her deepthroat ability, shes sure to coax out the gooey goods when delivering a blowjob royale!
The setting is a sauna, where Thomas peeps on Alice while she masturbates. Although shes flustered at first by his intrusion, it doesnt take too long for her to recover her composure and serve up the bal

  • 00:12:45
  • Jun 10, 2014
  • 135


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