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hotwife her beta husband to cum while staring at big cocks xvideos

Culkold audio. Wife POV. Verbal Domination from Hotwife toward her beta husband. She has him in a leash and chastised he is totally under her control. She destroys his masculinity he has no fight left. She makes him cum staring at cocks. She puts a condom on him so when he cums she puts the condom on the dildo. She puts it on inside out so he has to slurp the cummies off. BONUS Big cocks are on 2 screens and he will stare at them while he uses her vibrator on his chastised cock. He has a buttplug in and he sucks off her dildo that his hanging on the wall in front of him. Lots to enjoy on this extra long erotic audio clip.
Tags : gay, femdom, cuckold, reading, cheating-wife, cuckold-pov, homoerotica, sissy-husband, goddess-worship, verbal-domination, gay-husband, audio-story, cuckold-story, cuckold-audio, beta-husband, goddess-lana, long-audio, hotwife-audio, clips-for-couples, audio-book, homo-audio

  • 01:12:53
  • Aug 20, 2020
  • 29


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