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princess of feet

Here’s a special treat for admirers of legs, feet, bosoms, and lovely English roses! Brookie G. from Great Britain has been on our site several times before, but this may well be her best scene ever. It’s playful, saucy, and full of both the pinup-style tease and straight-ahead foot and gam teasing that is essential to our favorite fantasies! First Brookie lays on the bed in her lacy black bra with heart patterns, and black pantyhose. Smiling, she tempts us with her toes and soles in the sheer nylon, and as we go through her pics and video we get a sure sense of being alone in the intimate presence of a real Princess of Feet! Wait till you see how the agile and limber Brookie stretches up her left sole and pats the top of her blonde head! Delightful and stimulating at once! There’s so much cool stuff in this masterpiece of pantyhose action that you’ll have to see it for yourself, but rest assured that the hosiery come off as well, so if you d want this busty 36D sweetheart doing a little sucking of her bare size 6.5 toes, you’ll get a full share of seductive sights to stiffen your stalk and get you spraying!

  • 00:11:51
  • Jun 04, 2014
  • 220


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