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tongue to the task

If you’ve been keeping your eye on our Sex Video Casting site, you know who Alice Rose is, a talented tyro to the scene but one with enthusiastic energy to get men hot and deliver the loads! In a recent hardcore video there, she demonstrated her mouth technique on one of our studs, and showed that when it comes to cock sucking on a big dick, she’s eager for creamy results! She was quite adept at balls licking, too! Now in today’s POV she sets her tongue to the task of fulfilling the need of Mugur to relieve the tension in his testicles. Watch this cute twenty-one year old blond Hungarian--who has an interesting tattoo above her left breast that reads “Someday everything will be better” over an image of a quill pen--as she does her skillful stuff!

  • 00:12:42
  • May 27, 2014
  • 149


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