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legs for lovin

Hungarian Newcomer Jenny is back to showcase her lovely legs and feet today. The 21 year old brunette is fresh in the industry. Will she have what it takes to go the distance? You be the judge! Jenny gives us a nice twinkling of her toes and wrinkling of her soles before the ddf camera get into birds eye view mode, displaying her athletic stems. As her panties and bra slide off we get nice shots of her little shaver and small suckable tits. Jenny is built compact, and looks ready for a good pounding session as she goes spread eagle, and we get a close up of her Pink Pie. A nice close up of her smile reveals some star qualities. Leaving us with the question, what will Jenny do in her next shoot?

  • 00:05:21
  • May 22, 2014
  • 137


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