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newcomer dazzles us

Be captivated today by the extreme sexual allure of Ukrainian teen newcomer Karina D. The Blonde haired brown eyed beauty gets us stiff from the start as she seductively caresses her nubile body and teases us with her coy looks as she fondles her gorgeous girl parts. Once her firm breasts are released from her bra, we see Karina has a a sexy complimentary piercing on each nipple, and as the ddf cameras wander down towards her earthly treasure, we find that there is easy access to her tight trimmed pussy with a slit in her panties revealing her delicate folds of love. Laying back in her bed with cream pantyhose and heels still on she goes spread eagle for us and gives us a perfect view as to how she likes to play with that pie leaving us all fantasizing about the taste and how enjoyable it would be come in for a landing and dock our gliders into her heavenly bay. She takes it to orgasm in Doggy style, and its one of the more intense orgasms weve seen here lately on Euro Teen Erotica as she backs and arches like a cat letting a moan of pure relief fill the air. Lets hope we get to see her get stuffed proper soon!

  • 00:10:27
  • May 25, 2014
  • 191


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