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sweet secretary

We get a special treat this weekend with a POV footjob when new face Aida Sweet plays a secretary who forgot to put on her underpants when she left for work in the morning. Helping her boss (YOU!) look for a file, she manages to reveal her uncovered peach underneath her miniskirt and in the center of her crotchless fishnet pantyhose. she trying to get a “rise” out of you? It definitely seems to be working, as she lifts up her feet with their powder-blue polished toenails and plants her soles and digits on your up-thrust poker. Your pants are off as she makes herself comfortable with your shaft in the firm grasp of her skilled peds, stroking both while facing you and turning around so you can have a view of her butt as well. In fact she encourages your deeper study of her cheeks, enjoying the feeling of your fingers as they open her buns so you can get a good look at her tight rosebud! Her little jugs are cute too, in fact everything on Aida Sweet is combining to make your sperm rocket out of your tubesteak onto those inviting fishnet covered soles!

  • 00:18:54
  • May 23, 2014
  • 181


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