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the birthday hooker

Eva Parcker gives a great birthday celebration to Mugur, starting first with the gift of an espresso machine. Then, as she gives him his birthday blowjob, she calls an escort service on her cellphone. In a few minutes, the stunning Claire arrives. The auburn-haired hottie quickly joins Eva at the altar of Mugur’s meat, sucking it hard before climbing aboard to ride it with her pussy. Mugur looks like a happy birthday boy indeed. Getting Claire on her knees, he does her doggie style while Claire eats Eva. After some more cock sucking by these wild girls, a slender lavender vibrator enters the picture. Claire uses it to probe Eva’s asshole while Mademoiselle Parcker sucks Mugur some more, and then Claire takes more of Mugur’s dick in her snatch while licking Eva’s box. This hardcore XXX video of outstanding threesome action winds up with a creamy climax all over Claire’s ready tongue. Of course she gets well-paid for her efforts by Eva, efforts which clearly have gone above and beyond the call of professional duty!

  • 00:24:55
  • May 19, 2014
  • 284


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