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deep veggie penetration

Blue-eyed British rose, Emma Leigh, gives you full insight into her shaved pussy during today’s deep veggie penetration. She wears a red mini-dress and matching red lingerie that truly spotlights her gorgeousness! Her stunning cleavage pushes up in all its 34DDD/E 75G warmth, even as she shows us her hot bottom, barely covered by a g-string. Then, it’s prime time for a visit with a cucumber, which gets rubbed between her massive knockers and all over her hard nipples.Slowly taking down that g-string to show us her slit in today’s nude pics and Full HD premium erotic video, Emma Leigh sucks on that green veggie to lube it up for a journey into her heavenly juiciness! Whether she sits on the kitchen counter or kneels and squats on the floor, this long-haired glamour pornstar takes the long green shaft deep into her feminine deliciousness, then licks the cucumber clean and leaves us with our mouths wide open and our boners hard like rocks!If you like what Emma Leigh presents to you, leave her a sexy comment, hit like, and share this cucumber-sucking hot babe’s kitchen adventure with your horny friends.

  • 00:15:34
  • May 06, 2014
  • 324


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