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wet and tantalizing

Let’s go outdoors for awhile and enjoy the sunshine with Lyla Ashby from the United Kingdom, ready to tantalize the cream out of us with her 34F jugs! Lyla’s got a red violet bikini that effectively outlines her curvy assets, and she focuses her blue eyes on us with all their teasing power as she stands poolside in the alluring swimsuit. Lyla gets into the water and our DDF cameras come in tight for the bazoom vistas we need. When she peels off the top and reveals her huge light brown nipples, we dare you not to lick your lips! We’re licking ours as we write these very words!! :P Lyla squats in the water and gets those honeydews drenched. Then she covers up her nipples with her hands, playing peekaboo with our libidos as we throb and stroke in anxious need to release the fluids she stimulates. What a water goddess she is, her hair slicked back, her hooters gleaming in the drink! Yes, it’s clear that Lyla loves to tease, as you’ll see when you savor her hypnotic cleavage and hardening nipples in this moist mammary masterpiece!

  • 00:16:44
  • May 01, 2014
  • 176


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