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caught my stepmom in sexting affair - fucks stepson to stay silent

When I moved back home from college, it was a little awkward as my stepmom Kaylynn & my step dad were fighting and she had kicked him out. I told her I didn t want to get involved and just planned to mind my own business. Apparently, she didn t feel the same way - I caught her sexting with one of my friends. Unbelievable! When I confront her she explains she was feeling lonely & my step bro was having gf issues and that it wouldn t happen again. Whatever, I guess. Imagine my embarrassment when she catches me jerking to those very same pics she texted to my buddy? Thankfully, she was cool about it. I offered to scratch her back if she sucked my cock and she was happy to oblige. I fingered my stepmother s pussy under her hot red dress while she gobbled my cock. Then I squeezed her big fat titties as she slid her surprisingly tight pussy down my big dick. I fucked her hard from behind, grabbing her face and made her cum. I pounded her in missionary until I couldn t hold it anymore

  • 00:29:37
  • Jul 12, 2023
  • 867


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