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obey your owner

Tall and commanding in her domme duds, Mistress Mira Sunset oversees her little barefoot human doggie Charlyse Bella, whose pretty face is muzzled in a cage-like metal mask and whose bottom is stuffed with a red dildo plug. Mistress Mira snaps a riding crop on her subbies seat, and then takes off the mask so Charlyse can lick her animal print booties. Mira feeds Charlyse some kind of tiny treats which make the submissive blondie very happy, like a well-rewarded doggie would be. Next she has to lick Mistress Miras asshole. Mira pulls out the red dildo plug and Charlyse licks it--somewhat reluctantly, it seems. This leads to an over-the-knee spanking for the unruly little doggie girl. Thatll teach her! After the discipline, all seems better while she happily clutches her dommes long legs as this Full HD BDSM video comes to a close.

  • 00:12:38
  • Apr 14, 2014
  • 240


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