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lucie wilde is awesome!

Lucie Wilde fans, rejoice! Get ready to drool over the greatest appearance so far of this eighteen year old Czech bombshell! Green-eyed Lucie is outfitted in the prettiest black lacy lingerie that shows off her incredible 32F cleavage to perfection. Whether she’s just standing near a wall, or leaning against a bed, Lucie’s magnificent torpedos are constantly kept close to our DDF lenses so you can make your own full and happy inspection of the terrain! After a bit of cleavage tease with her boulder-holder, Lucie peels down the bra so we can ogle her awesome objects in all their bare splendor. Lucie heft her beauties and we can feel their weight against her slender girlish hands. She presses her fists into the firm yet yielding flesh. Settling back on the bed, Lucie lets her lovelies pancake in this outstanding presentation of big naturals. With every move she makes, whether thrusting a toy into her pie or leaning over in the doggie position for a little sway-and-shake, she gives our eyes a thorough tour of those gorgeous glands. So don’t miss Lucie in her brand-new Full HD video and pics! She s our Model of the Day.

  • 00:19:22
  • Apr 20, 2014
  • 1122


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