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beckoning sole worship

Cayenne Klein is in a really flirty mood! From the big white bow in her hair to her cute little top and skirt, and from her thigh high white nylon stockings to her white platform open toe heels, she’s ready to get playful. She moves around on a couch, teasing us with her long legs, sliding off her shoes so that we can see her size 6 soles through the stretchy nylon. When she’s down to only her stockings, she gets on her knees and sticks her bottom at us. That thong between her cheeks soon slides down her thighs and calves and Cayenne dangles it between her stocking feet. Stuffing her fingers into her personal wetness, she thrusts her feet at us at the same time, as if urging us to worship her soles through the nylon while she digs into the warmth of her drenched hole. She keeps sticking her peds at us, beckoning all good slaves to service her soles and show ultimate and total worship to her! You’ll cream for Miss Cayenne as she purses her lips in an understanding yet dominant smile!!

  • 00:25:53
  • May 07, 2014
  • 287


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