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she tends to your tool

Samantha Joons has intellectual intentions today. She’s planning to spend her afternoon reading a good book. But then you show up and educate her in the error of her ways. Why read when she can blow? There’s plenty of time to sharpen her mind when you’re not around; but when you’re in the vicinity, as in this POV video, her focus should be on your rigid inches, which need tending! So Samantha gets right to work on your big dick, giving it the cock sucking it needs. It’s nice, too, how she slips out of her clothes bit by bit, giving you some extra visual stimulation to go along with all that pleasurable licking and sucking. Samantha doesn’t seem upset about not spending her time with a book, judging by the big smile on her face after she pulls out your load on her eager tongue!

  • 00:20:07
  • Apr 08, 2014
  • 204


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