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her fingers take a plunge - masturbation preps her for pool

We have one of our favorite glamour pornstars, Zafira, getting ready for a dip in the pool looking as ravishing as ever! Deciding on which swimsuit to put on that rockin body of hers proves to be a dilemma, and as she checks herself out in the mirror between fittings she becomes aroused, and we really can t blame her!As the brunette hottie is preparing for a plunge in the pool, her fingers end up taking a plunge down into that beckoning shaved pussy of hers. Her naked body is nothing to scoff at, and as she tries on her different bikinis we are enamored by her beauty! She s a 10, from head to toe!The Hungarian hottie treats herself to some titty play, getting those great nipples of hers erect and we are left tongues out as she shows off her assets including her curvy ass. It s not just her tits that need some fondling though, so the college girl takes her hands down to masturbate and treat her pink as well.Don t miss her seXXXy solo scene!

  • 00:26:04
  • Mar 31, 2016
  • 314


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