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solo vibes - a pleasureful date with her pink

You know those girls who could wake the neighbors with their sexy screams during their highest states of arousal? Emily Thorne is one of those kind of babes! She s being shot solo today, but that pussy of hers will be purring and peaking by those well trained fingers of hers.Her conservative look can be deceiving, but we ll soon learn that under that dress of hers lies a body aching to to touched and titillated. Upon undressing and clad in only lingerie and high heels, her mouthwatering natural tits and tattoos will be there for us to ogle, and it s evident that she is as excited as we are about the prospect of watching her probe around and inside those curves of hers.She ll soon have her fingers between that slit of hers and the red haired hottie is clearly at a heightened state; thoroughly enjoying her alone time! She s also got an electronic gadget to treat her pink with, and you ll love watching her delve into her shaved pussy with her vibrator for some hot battery enhanced pussy insertion!

  • 00:19:40
  • Feb 21, 2016
  • 263


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