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shoe marathon - hardcore foot fetish threesome in the office

Today s shoe marathon starts at Mea Melone s and Wendy Moon s office. Choky Ice is supposed to deliver amazing high heels but when helping the hot babes trying on their new babies, he simply can t resist their Hot Legs & Sexy Feet! DDF Network turns this shopping experience into a hardcore foot fetish threesome in the office. Mea gives him a cock massage with her shoes while Choky strokes along Wendy’s fabulous calves and starts licking her shoe. After the shoes come off, foot sucking is next and there’s more to suck on, so Wendy and Mea take his hard dick in for a blowjob. Choky bangs both chicks on the office table and crams Wendy’s tight asshole with his boner for some serious anal sex. The shoe and foot fetish scene heats up when he bangs both girls’ feet with their high heels still on. Mea gives him some ball licking while he enjoys another footjob by Wendy. The hardcore foot fetish threesome in the office comes to an end when Choky blows a fat load of cum on their feet!

  • 00:30:27
  • Jan 20, 2016
  • 528


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