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hardcore soccer break: husband and friend bang busty wife

Lauro Giotto watches a soccer game but the remote control gives him a hard time. His busty wife Chessie Kay joins him on the couch but whenever she tries to talk to him or even seduce him for some erotic moments, he stops her with waves of his hand. The doorbell rings and their friend Choky Ice shows up with two bottles of beer to watch the game, but Lauro has to leave for some office work. Meanwhile, Chessie gets super horny and blows Chokys hard cock and he returns the favor by playing with her enormous hooters. They get naked and start fucking on the couch. He bangs her from behind and crams her shaved twat with his big dick. Suddenly, Lauro comes back and is surprised about whats going on. Although he really wanted to watch the game, he joins the two for a threesome and Chessie blows his hard cock while being fucked doggy style by Choky. She enjoys her husbands dick deepthroat before he finally inserts his long john deep into her tight twat. Later, they titty fuck her big knocke

  • 00:33:00
  • Jan 08, 2016
  • 418


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