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model hungry for cock starring tiffany tatum and erik everhard

A Gold Digger turns up late for a test session with a photographer who needs a new model for a campaign. She is insulting about him, his car and tastes, clearly obsessed with a rich lifestyle. But she tries on one of his costumes and starts to feel sexy. They fuck and afterwards she assumes that she has the job but he says no - he does not need a Gold Digger. She leaves as her friends expect to see her in a Lamborghini and he is left wondering if he can sell her photos?
Our Gold Digger is late for an important photo session with a commercial photographer. When slut TIFFANY turns up she is completely unapologetic and very insulting to ERIK. She tells him she has been looking for some new Gucci shoes, something more important than attending to time. She is not really a model but her rich boyfriend wants to see her in the magazines. She is also insulting about ERIK s car.
They head off to his place to shoot. At first TIFFANY continues
Presented in FULL HD by Only Gold Digger.

  • 00:36:03
  • Sep 20, 2021
  • 143


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