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anal is the only way for muslim teen 2

I am so horny, but sex is not allowed in my religion. It is strictly prohibited to touch a girls pussy before marriage. My boyfriend has an idea! I can still help him to feel good without having to lose my virginity.
I lay face down on the bed he plays with my asshole and inserts several fingers. I m not really sure what is going on back there but I want to be a good girl and I trust him.
Coming to lay down next to me he raises my leg and starts to fuck my ass. I ve never done anything like this before and I m a little worried, but I am a submissive girl and will allow anything that isn t real top for reverse cowgirl. Wow! It feels good for me too! I really love this style and I want to do it every day.
He flips me onto my stomach and starts going harder and faster until giving a big creampie.
I know it is a sin to spill any seed, but there was just SO MUCH inside my ass. I really wanted to see it all. I push out all the cum for you to enjoy.

  • 00:18:50
  • Oct 18, 2021
  • 61


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