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tardy for her tush

Stacy Snake doesn’t want Mugur to get dressed for work. Instead she wants his body naked so she can keep having fun with it! So what if he ends up tardy for his job!! She wants to suck on his cock, kiss his mouth, and rub his shaft against her shaved pussy. This wild girl needs her man to eat her, and then she wants him to lay back on the bed again so she can spend some more quality time slurping on his prick! A little face-sitting is in order too, with Mugur lapping at her pouty peach. Then, as captured so vividly in this hardcore XXX video, this Russian hottie wants to sit on his shaft and ride it like a cowgirl, until it’s time to stretch out on her tummy and take his rod in her rear. What a gape she gets after he’s plowed her there for awhile! Then, before they get back to the anal porn sex, it’s time for Stacy to lick his asshole while tugging on his tool, before he finally anoints her anus with his sauce, a mess which leaks down her rounded crotch into her veeg and along her thigh!

  • 00:35:08
  • Aug 07, 2013
  • 262


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