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hi-jinks in knee socks

Candy Sweet (in the pink peep toe shoes) and newcomer Taylor Sands are having a relaxing afternoon cuddling together on a couch. Dont they look scrumptious in their colorful, almost matching outfits? Theyre just two little bundles of squirmy girl flesh who are excited by their candy-hued knee socks and shoes and tops and blue-denim short-shorts.
Our DDF cameras come in close so that you can see the delightful textures of their shoes and socks even as they play with their heels and rub their feetsies on each other. Those high heels get sucked, as well as the toes through their socks.
The dolls present their feet together on the carpet so that if you imagine yourself as a foot slave, you can picture crawling over and kissing all their colorful toenails through the fabric. Candy has yellow nail polish for a unique change of pace!
Happily, when the girls arent showing us their soles and toes through their socks, theyre lapping at their snatches too. But ultimately the socks come of

  • 00:36:37
  • Aug 29, 2014
  • 327


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