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big tits stunner laura orsolya double penetrated & titty fucked balls deep gp926

You need priorities in life. There is a time to iron your lingerie, and a time to get your knockers plowed, your veeg and rosebud crammed, and your bosom spermed on. Laura Orsolya aka Laura M. shows us that she has her priorities straight. She puts aside the iron when Mugur and Thomas Stone stop by to say hello and do all the other things “saying hello” entails in the world of big breast entertainment. Thomas even has a red rose for Laura, but really, is it necessary? This busty legend doesn’t require romance in her scenes, only the proximity of rock-hard rods which will get her 36F globes tingling for action. It’s “Destination Laura” time! Soon enough this encounter ratchets up into big natural boobs masterpiece territory as Laura, after priming their stalks with her mouth, gets on the bed with her sacks swinging and jiggling as she sucks Thomas while Mugur mounts her from behind. Clothes fall away as this threesome heats up with Laura commuting between the cocks, her paps pancaking prettily. Becoming their sensual sandwich filling, the Hungarian dynamo delivers all the glorious goods dedicated breast men demand in their porn: titty fuck thrills especially, with double penetration in both snug Laura locations included for good measure, leading up to a fine spray of spume on her bountiful bells, a mess which she licks up with delight!

  • 00:27:04
  • Oct 14, 2014
  • 2710


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