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clinch of the titans

Two of our powerhouse new talent titans get together for a poolside clinch! Lily Madison from Great Britain and her 30Fs, and Luna Amor from Romania and her 42Ds, are outfitted in skimpy bikinis which make it very easy for them to get at each others charms!
Green-eyed Lily starts the frolic rolling as she licks Lunas nips, and then both gals take off their tops. Their body heat ramps up as Luna laps at Lilys nubs hungrily. Soon Luna makes Lilys bikini bottom go bye-bye, then Miss Madison kneels on the turf to undo the bows that hold up Lunas bottom. This is a convenient way to reach up and suck on those Amor mams some more, too!
Laying on the grass, the girls tenderly kiss in the warm sunlight that adorns their bare bodies, then they take turns leaning over each other to rub in soothing oil. You will really feel every inch of these busty pornstars gloriously swaying and pancaking paps as they are captured in a Full HD video and nude pics!
But there is a nice shift at the end

  • 00:22:26
  • Sep 16, 2014
  • 386


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