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the triple decker

Sandwich that is! Your in for an all you can eat Pussy Buffet today as three enticing Euro Teens get naked and Wild with one lucky Fucker! Meet Zarina, Parvin, and Taissia Shanti. They love to share everything, and today they share one cock and each other in this hot and steamy no holds barred hardcore scene. The premise of the story is every mans dream. Your hangin with your girlfriend and she invites two stunning girls over who look just like twins. They start undressing, revealing their perfect little titties and super hard nipples. Kissing and fondling. You know where thats going. Your girls is undressing behind you and getting ready for gifting you the present of your life. From their on out, its all up to you! Can you manage three girls? Snacking on three pussies, fucking their mouths and providing them anal as well? Do you have the stamina to withstand such a dream come true? Put yourself in the drivers seat and let the fireworks begin. Will it be Zarina that makes you blow your load, or a good ass fucking with Taissia? Or does Parvin have that magic that helps you release all over her tongue? You decide!

  • 00:24:00
  • Nov 12, 2014
  • 506


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