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she s a cheater

One thing I’m a sucker for is a bimbo with big tits who loves the fuck! I happen to be in Dallas on a work trip, and I was just at my hotel hanging around the lobby waiting for the waiter to bring me my order. As I’m people watching, I see this blonde with huge tits and wearing a pair of jeans that is hiding the phattest ass! I’m already hard just looking at this human fuck doll. So of course I had to spark up a conversation and invite her back to my room. She had no problems with following me come to find out she was married, and pissed at her husband, and needed a night out. I figured that was my opportunity to see if this was a true slut or just one looking the part, so I offered her this black dick to get back at her husband, and that pussy and mouth watered up so fucking fast. Let’s just say she left her place pissed and went back happy with a pussy full of cum in it.

  • 00:19:32
  • Jul 06, 2023
  • 3073


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