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toe time in the tub

Alessandra Jane from the Russian Federation is relaxing in the bath as we come upon her today. Her legs and feet emerge from the shiny bubbles as she moves around the tub. Then Choky Ice joins her in the bathroom, sitting on the edge of the tub and massaging her feet before getting in so that she can stroke his meat with, naturally, her feet. Her agile toes quickly show that they know their way around a man’s tool. Soon Alessandra sits on the edge of the tub for yet another angle on manipulating the Iceman’s shaft. But then she shifts back into the water to feed her toes into his mouth. In fact, the couple tries many different positions in this new footjob video, but one thing is clear: no matter if Alessandra is above or below him, she controls the penis with her pretty peds! It looks like Choky is very close to blowing his load when she’s sitting on his shoulders and stroking from above, but ultimately she gets back in the water to finish him off before a happy cuddle at the end!

  • 00:12:28
  • Oct 31, 2014
  • 183


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