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sweetie in the studio

What goes on in a ballet studio when a young Czech sweetie like Baby Dream practices there solo? Let’s see as our DDF cameras peek inside... She flexes on the barre, stretching her gams, barefoot except for the leg warmers. She arches her delectable size 6.5 feet, wrinkling her soles. Then she is drawn to sucking on her toes while sitting on a big rubber ball. The sunlight warms her body as she feasts on her own feet in this toe sucking video, then she takes off her shorts so that she can rub her crotch on the phallus that protrudes out of the top of the ball she sits on. Hmm, not a lot of ballet practice here today, but who can blame Baby Dream for wanting to enjoy her tantalizing body? We’d certainly want to if we were there! She rides the toy sticking out of the ball, then flexes her feet against the mirror, then stretches her gams wide and licks her own knees in a bit of leg worship. Well, maybe she won’t be doing Swan Lake any time soon, but Baby Dream can always take the stage in front of our lenses and show off those legs and feet some more!

  • 00:20:43
  • Oct 29, 2014
  • 208


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