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big naturals unfaithful wife lies to hubby over text while fucking another man

Ashlyn is married, gorgeous & totally unfaithful. After a night a cheating on her husband with Peter, she wakes up to a million texts. Ashlyn lies to her husband & tells him her friend got too swasted and she is just looking after her, but Ashlyn knows she has to split soon. She gets in Peter s shower to wash the smell of sex off of herself, but Peter keeps staring at her amazing, soapy big naturals. He asks to join her and she invites his cock into her eager mouth. Deepthroating while cheating on her husband turns Ashlyn on, so she insists they go fuck on Peter s couch one more time. Peter slides deep in Ashlyn s soaking, married pussy. He fucks her hard & fast, making her cum all over his throbbing cock. Ashlyn s massive big naturals jiggle & sway as she gets pounded roughly. Peter cums all over Ashlyn s face, forcing her to take another shower before she has to run back home to her husband!

  • 00:26:31
  • Jul 07, 2023
  • 367


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