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her meaty medicine

In today’s POV video roleplay, we see how cock can often be therapeutic to the sucker of it! Your girlfriend Christen is resting, which she’s been doing a lot lately because she’s had the blues. But her doctor told you, her boyfriend, that one essential medicine to cure her depression is regular doses of your big dick! So you wake up Christen at the proper time so that she will not miss her dose. She has to give you deepthroat and balls licking regularly every six hours. You get her in the mood with a little fond fondling, showing your appreciation of her titties and her twat, because she’s been feeling very low on the self-esteem scale. Therefore, positive reinforcement of her attractiveness is of great importance.Soon you get her gobbling your root, and she swallows her meaty medicine with a firm commitment to her personal growth and future happiness. You can tell she’s starting to feel better when a gentle smile crosses her previously serious face as she rubs your cocktip against her boob. Yes, as long as she takes her “medicine” promptly like the doctor prescribed, she’ll stay on the road to a rosier outlook on life! Not to mention a creamier one!!

  • 00:17:49
  • Oct 07, 2014
  • 246


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