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sensuous awakening

As if waking up from a dream of an old life into a new one, a freshly brunette Charlyse Bella opens her eyes in bed to greet us. We love this Portuguese beauty’s new look, fresh from hours in the sun, which gave her tan lines that really make her gorgeous bosom stand out! Bare in the satiny sheets, Charlyse is feeling a little frisky, but with no man nearby she decides to take matters into her lovely dark-manicured fingertips. She imagines a lover, moving around on the bed as she caresses herself, sticking her tan-lined bottom up in the air, aching for doggie style. She rubs herself from many angles, kneeling against the headboard, laying back on the rumpled sheets, and even stretching out her legs pinup style; ready for a lover, waiting to be licked, and eager to be fucked so that her moans will fill the room with the music of her satisfied passion!

  • 00:20:00
  • Sep 19, 2014
  • 209


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