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hallway hijinks

At the big resort hotel on Fellatio Island in the Caribbean, the rules are very relaxed. Guests can give blowjobs in the hallway if they wish. A rule which comes in handy for Gina when she finds herself locked out of her room just after checking in! See what we mean in this POV video full of cock sucking. Oh well, maybe somebody at the desk gave her the wrong key. No big deal. She’ll go downstairs and take care of it. But first she seizes a sexual opportunity when it arises. When it arises several inches in front of her face, that is! Your cock, because you too are checking in to the resort. You look at her and you’re obviously horny. Your big dick is aching to get your vacation started and Gina is ready to help out. She peels out of her top and you see her stunning body and perky tits. But this isn’t about a striptease, it’s about giving your root a good oral workout! And Gina delivers, on her knees or laying on the carpet, or leaning back on a nearby couch so you can diddle her snatch a bit. But in the end it’s all about your blowjob and you let out your satisfaction with deep twitches of relief, even filling her palm with your cream! So maybe you’ll go downstairs now and see about her key? You owe her at least that much!

  • 00:19:42
  • Sep 09, 2014
  • 303


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