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birth of the super slut

The casting manager calls his boy Billy and tells him that they need to talk because every time he sends him to train a girl, he fucks her up, and he needs to stop doing that. He tells him that he can jerk off on the webcam. Then he receives a call from one of the girls who want to get hired, and she tells her that he is sending his trainer to train her, but he is in the probation period. Audriana has to make sure that he behaves appropriately.
Then the video starts with Audriana in a room struggling with her laptop. Then someone knocks on her door. Then we see Billy at the door, and she tells him that she is struggling with the logins for three hours. Billy helps her with logins. Then Audriana gets busy understanding the settings. Audriana then opens her dress and plays with the curves. She squeezes her tits and it gets hard for Billy to resist. Billy takes his dick out and jerks off. But Audriana has something nasty going on in her head. She convinces him to fuck her and grabs the

  • 00:34:08
  • Jul 04, 2023
  • 162


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