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best in throat

You’re had a busy day, lots of work achieved, and you know you deserve a reward that matches the amount of business you’ve brought into the company today. Fortunately, as depicted in this POV video, you’re one of the select group of executives in the organization who has a secretary who was hired specifically to do WHATEVER you ask. That’s one of the perks of a job at your level. Chessie Kay is your gal and she gets down on her knees to absorb your massive meat into her face. You even have the executive privilege of filming her, so you can re-live the cock sucking experience later and share it with your poker pals. It’s hard to keep the camera steady as this smoky-eyed temptress does her deepthroat best on your man-muscle, but you persevere even as your groin is awed by the dazzling gullet into which Chessie stows your sausage. Once she gets her bra and blouse off, you also notice that’s she’s got a pretty damn good pair of knockers! You make a mental note that you’ve got to plow those paps one day soon. Meanwhile, Chessie finishes off your big dick most impressively, gazing at you with her long-lashed British blue eyes as she even gets into a particularly raunchy position on her tummy on the desk to take you snugly inside her mouth. And don’t forget her job description also includes licking up your cum from the floor!

  • 00:18:04
  • Aug 12, 2014
  • 242


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