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hungry for champions

Mugur is such a great basketball player that hes won a trophy! And Anita Berlusconi and Jenny are very impressed. Oh, these Hungarian honeys cant wait to wrap their hands and lips around his big cock to reward him for being a hero on the court! Watch this hardcore XXX video to see what we mean.
Even as he gets his big dick sucked, Mugur stands over these wild girls wearing his gold medal. He looks down to see these smokin babes slurping his shaft. But thats only the beginning of the triumphant feast of fanny hes going to enjoy.
While he bangs Jenny, Anita licks his nuts. And while Jenny rides his rod, Anita laps her clit! Its a threesome par excellence and very inspiring to all ballers out there. Maybe someday something like this can be your reward too, whether with girls from your neighborhood on up to superstar models, singers, and actresses!
Anita takes Mugurs meat into her asshole and then Jenny holds it when he pulls out so that she can aim his spurting sauce onto Anita

  • 00:24:23
  • Apr 14, 2014
  • 4636


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