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tracey sweet 19 yo huge cock pov blowjob and huge load cum swallow - wow! a++

Tracey Sweet. Tags: Blonde, Blowjob, Fuck Toy, Pigtails, POV, Swallow, Teen

Naughty Girl Swallows. Big Gulp Girls has a sweet treat today. Tracey Sweet just graduated recently. And now she is thinking about a degree in Nursing. But today she needs to let loose a little steam. Tracey admits she gets turned on by older men. She s knows its bad but she can t help herself. On her Bio form she tells us this craziest place you ve had sex question answer. When she was in prep school recently, getting ready for her college classes, she had a sexy like 40 year old or something Science teacher. She tells us how she secretly blew in his supply closet between classes! He would get off in like 3 was great. Just enough time between classes. We would lock the door, and he would go in first. I would check and make sure no one was arond (sic). when I got to the there he was already stroking his dick. Hes big. I got on my knees, grab him ass with both hands and start deepthroati

  • 00:30:37
  • Jul 17, 2023
  • 195


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