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public butt crack vol. 1 - immeganlive

Wearing low waist jeans and a shirt that barely covers, I am shopping at Walmart, bending and squatting to reach products, continuously showing my butt . My friend gets close up and different angles. Once in a while, I m having a quick conversation with him while my butt is showing, both my face and are in the same shot. For the most part, I am unaware that my butt is showing. At two different times during the video when I feel back and realize my is showing, I pull my shirt down to cover it and make a few comments to my friend about it. Then I continue shopping as my continues to show. As I get closer to the end of the video I have almost my entire butt exposed.
Tags : jeans, ass, butt, amateur, POV, submissive, fetish, public, voyeur, big-tits, shopping, mall, gfe, public-flashing, ass-shaking, walmart, embarrassment, butt-crack, butt-crack-fetish

  • 00:11:09
  • Jan 04, 2022
  • 191


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