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high heel try on and anal fuck

I got a lot of new shoes! I want to unbox them for you and try them all on. It s really fun. I show off my different new high heels and get some close-up shots wearing each pair, putting them on, and taking them off. But all these shoes really made me horny.

In the missionary position, laying back on the desk I spread my asshole open and call for him. I need his cock inside me. Wearing my cute pink high heels and dress I pull my legs back as far as I can and he slides into my ass. Fucking me slowly and deeply so I can feel all of the cock. Then faster and harder.

I know he can t last too much longer so I change to a standing position and push my ass back balls deep onto his cock. I can feel his body start to shake so I fuck back against him faster. He starts cumming inside me before pulling out and continuing to cum all over my back and ass. I love my new shoes!

  • 00:28:38
  • Jul 02, 2023
  • 263


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